リンク Links to Interesting Stuff
Interesting Stuff
"Opening Up" - review of "The Paris Review Interviews": An intelligent review that gives insight into the serial's contribution to and its place in relation to literary society (both of academics, of authors, and of ordinary readers), with fleeting glimpses into the craft of writing. Also makes you think about the big question (What Is Literature etc) too!
The Book Page: book reviews from Ireland
Feelgood Organic Hampers: Ireland's only organic hamper company. Delicious organic hampers make you feel good about eating tasty chocolates because it's all for a good cause!
"Brief encounter with pants ethics": BBC article about Becky John's Whomadeyourpants? - a NPO working to provide female refugees with work opportunities.
紛争地のアンテナ: 日本紛争予防センター事務局 瀬谷ルミ子さんのブログ。紛争後の復興、平和構築、武装解除などを、ルワンダやアフガニスタンでおこなっている方です。